Buy Made in EU

Made in Europe


I bought stuff from Ikea 20 years ago and I still have them. The quality was great, the price was unbeatable and it was made in England or Greece. Now everything comes from Asia, is made from the cheapest materials, breaks quickly and is not durable. And that has to stop.
We have to stop buying rubbish!
Because these products are manufactured under conditions that we cannot imagine here.

  • Do you remember the catastrophe of the Rana Plaza fire with over 1,100 deaths?
  • Child labor is unfortunately very common. Do you want to support this?
  • Do you really believe that women in Asia have a right to maternity leave? That workers are entitled to 5 weeks paid holiday? That there is continued payment of wages in the event of sick leave?
  • Transport is a chapter in itself. A container ship consumes 180 tonnes of diesel per day. Containers are repeatedly lost and end up in the sea. Container ships are really messing about in our seas! What pollution! In figures: a container ship causes approx. 8 tonnes of Co2/KM. Per each single km!!!
  • Environmental pollution during the production process: In contrast to the EU, there is no legal environmental protection in Asia (in China there are now new regulations).